Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What I'm reading...

Nick Hornby has been barging into my life quite a lot lately. I read about him in other people's blogs, on the news. Or overhear people talking about him, or about a film based on one of his books. So I finally broke down and did what any sensible person would've done in my place: I asked my good friend B (who is the proud owner of a cool little collection of N.H.'s books) to lend me a Hornby book. He brought a bag full of them, and I got to pick. The one I chose to start me off is 'A long way down'. I love it so far. It is very witty. I'm glad, because what took me so long to start reading Nick Hornby was that I thought Fever Pitch was such a drag! I never did warm up to that book, and was rather dreading to feel the same about another one of his stories. Turns out I shouldn't have worried: The book is a gem, and I'm having fun with it! Thanks, B!

1 comment:

Teacher Emerson said...

No problem, Nan! Anytime.