Saturday, April 30, 2016

A thing of beauty

Joshua and I parked the car a block away from the bookstore and walked. As we waited to cross the street, we see this guy diligently working on this amazing, colorful mural.

I think I stared so much and for such a long time that he stopped working and looked down. I waved, pointed at the mural and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and thanked me. 
We managed to talk over the noise of the cars and buses going by. He tells me he was given the theme of the mural (Yoga, Oriental practices, etc) and then started drawing. He had no drafts. He just started sketching on the walls and came up with that work of art.

I was amazed. Joshua was just embarrassed because I kept staring at the mural at first, then he was embarrassed because I kept talking/shouting to 'a stranger' on the street. And taking pictures.
It may be that shamelessness is earned with age, but I think most of mine I learned with J, who was never shy and talked to strangers freely and shamelessly. And usually loudly.
Another small way of acknowledging his enormous impact in my life. 

I must go back to that street, stand on the sidewalk, look up and see what else my artist friend has come up with. 

I am just glad we happened to have caught him working. I am glad I could show him my appreciation. Hidden behind trucks and buses and ugly electrical wires, something beautiful to look at.

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