Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Abort! Abort! Abort!

Geek project sinking like the glorious Titanic all those years ago. Three people have already been selected to write 2 daily notes, and three other people (myself included) are still in the selection process. Two, apparently, gave up.
Got the e-mail this morning, prepping me to go ahead and pick two topics to write about. They sent a list. Of topics. To write about.
So I wrote a resignation note already. It's ready to be sent, waiting for me to decide if quitting this gig would make me a quitter. *lol* Not funny, really.
But I think I'll go ahead and quit. The whole process has become tortuous, agonizing, you know, not fun. Rough subjects. Bad week at work, too. Bad week overall.
Too bad, though. I wish it had worked out differently.

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