Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Abort! Abort! Abort!

Geek project sinking like the glorious Titanic all those years ago. Three people have already been selected to write 2 daily notes, and three other people (myself included) are still in the selection process. Two, apparently, gave up.
Got the e-mail this morning, prepping me to go ahead and pick two topics to write about. They sent a list. Of topics. To write about.
So I wrote a resignation note already. It's ready to be sent, waiting for me to decide if quitting this gig would make me a quitter. *lol* Not funny, really.
But I think I'll go ahead and quit. The whole process has become tortuous, agonizing, you know, not fun. Rough subjects. Bad week at work, too. Bad week overall.
Too bad, though. I wish it had worked out differently.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Olha aonde fui amarrar meu burro: estou estagiando como reporter na Geek, agência de notícias ligadas à tecnologia. Escrevi hoje a primeira nota, e encheram a minha caixa postal de e-mails e respostas e mais respostas. Fiquei passada. As pessoas são muito mais aceleradas do que eu, obviamente, e conseguem ler tudo aquilo, entender, trabalhar em coisas paralelas, responder a todos os e-mails que chegam. Eu produzi um textozinho modesto, e tive alguns problemas técnicos. E aí a gente coloca no blog e abre para críticas. Como diz um dos editores, 'É bom para o caráter'. E o que eu tenho a dizer sobre isso é 'É bom o caralho'. Com todo respeito.

Mas na boa: interagir com pessoas novas, que não me conhecem. Fantástico. Perigosamente libertador, embora hoje tudo que eu consegui ter foi esse sentimento de being overwhelmed... Quero muito que dê certo, e que gostem do meu trabalho. Preciso de concentrar. Focus.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Day Soundtrack : Can't Change Me - Chris Cornell

She can do anything at all
Have anything she pleases
The power to change what she thinks is wrong
What could she want with me yeah

Wait just one minute here
I can see that she´s trying to read me
Suddenly I know

She´s going to change the world
She´s going to change the world
She´s going to change the world
But she can´t change me
No she can´t change me

She has the daylight at her command
She gives the night its dreams yeah
She can uncover your darkest fears
Make you forget you feel them

Wait just one minute more
I can see that she´s trying to free me
Suddenly I know

She´s going to change the world
She´s going to change the world
She´s going to change the world
But she can´t change me
No she can´t change me

Suddenly I can see everything thats wrong with me yeah
What can I do I'm the only thing I really have at all

Wait just one minute here
I can see that she´s trying to need me
Suddenly I know

She´s going to change the world
She´s going to change the world
She´s going to change the world
but she can´t change me
No she can´t change me

Needed some Pearl Jam CDs, so turned to B., my personal consultant for music matters and any other random subject. Alas, B. does not dig Pearl Jam. He did, though, point me in the direction of Chris Cornell (of Soundgarden and Audioslave fame) and suggested that I looked up this song - Can't Change Me. 'It is all about you', he said. And I, for one, am flattered. The song is beautiful, and so are the lyrics. Thanks again, B! And sorry for interrupting your poker game. And yes, 'Like a stone' sounds like Eddie Vedder! AND I still think he's hotter.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Sir Christopher Croc II

Sir Christopher Croc II is, as you may have already guessed, a crocodile. He's very English (for he was born in Yorkshire) and very proper (for he is, after all, a lord) and he knows you should never laugh while sipping brandy after dining in Buckingham Palace because it comes out of your nose and the Queen does not have that good a sense of humor.

Sir Christopher Croc II is a kind and gentle soul. His great-grandfather once ate the hand of a mean man called Captain Hook, but that was long ago and he had a tummy ache and never ate anybody again.

Sir Christopher Croc II drinks tea and reads big fat books. He goes for long walks late at night when the streets are empty, because people tend to be a little afraid of him, despite his big smile (or because of it).

Now, people have pets, right? Sometimes they have a dog, or a cat, or a bird, or a fish, or a turtle. Crocodiles have pet people. Sir Christopher Croc II has a pet little girl.

He watches over her and tells her crocodile stories and tap dances for her and makes her laugh. She's not afraid of his bulgy eyes or his long, strong tail. In her sleep, she reaches out, grabs him by the nose and cuddles up to him, her binky hanging from her half-opened little mouth. Sir Christopher Croc II sighs contentedly and goes back to sleep. He's never been so happy.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Mania de letra grande

Agora me deu mania. Os últimos posts têm letras gigantes, deselegantes mesmo. Vou manter porque acho que faz parte do momento em que foram escritos, mas cara, que exagero. Voltemos à economia, à contenção.

De M. Ueda, mestre da delicadeza e das belezas sutis

"... uma princesa japonesa fazia listas...

a tinta preta escorrendo pelo papel de arroz após uma pincelada
o último nó do quimono
um pêssego num altar
uma criança dormindo
a fumaça subindo do arroz quente
gelo raspado numa tigela de prata sobre um tecido de seda lilás"

Não é bonito, isso?