Monday, December 26, 2005

Boxing Day Post

Dec 26th, sometime after midday. This was Josh's first Christmas ever. He got a rattle and a teether and (naturally) wanted to play with the wrappers.

But this post is about Toga, the penguin. Somebody kidnapped (or penguinnapped) 3-month old Toga from a British zoo a week or so before Christmas. No one knows why, but they suspect the kidnapper might give him as a Christmas present. That kind of penguin (which CNN named 'jackass penguin' - sounds offensive, doesn't it?) was featured in a documentary now on in Europe called 'March of the Penguins' ( and because of it the penguins have been getting a lot of attention at the zoo.
They believe that without proper care his chances of survival are minimal. Right before signing in I checked the news, but so far there have been no follow-ups on the story.
Here's to hoping little Toga is returned safe and sound.

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