Random thoughts, rantings, stuff that strikes my fancy. Things I need to vent. My very own all-in-one dear not-so-daily diary. My leap of faith.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
...and life goes on...
1. I'm oficially back to work. Have been for almost a month now. Amazing how out of it I still am. I wonder if that is ever going back to what it was. Personally, I doubt it. As one of our ex students said a couple of days ago: 'Acabou o encanto, né?' So, hopefully soon it's gonna be 'so long and thanks for all the fish' to this part of my life.
2. I bought a bunch of weird books and have been having a ball with them. More about them later - that is, if I don't feel to ashamed to share some of the titles with my noble audience (which, btw, is formed by one single person so far - a kind soul from Thailand).
3. I have been drawing every chance I get. I carry my Columbo-wannabe-pad with me and draw on the bus, in bed, at the dinner table. I came up with something really cute last night. It is like a family portrait. I'll take a picture and post it here, the way it is right now. I intend to work on it still, and improve it and smooth it out... but I think I'd like to keep an image of this first sketch - my own interpretation of the Itokazu-Moon family.
4. Anyway, the plan is to 'work toward a new life' (sounds like a self-help book title) a little bit every day. I mean, do something about it every day. Even if it is real tiny. Like today I'm writing about it here, 'cause I might not have time to do anything else. Getting the idea and making it more real by putting it in paper. Getting closer to it by shaping it with words. You get the spirit.
5. You know what, I kind of dig Josh. He's super cool. While I was feeding him this morning, we had a talk. I said: 'You know, I think you came to change my life. You are the wind of change. You came to me so I can start being me.' (or something like that, I was really sleepy) And he said: 'Ugh' and smiled - and drooled milk all over. It is like 'Geez, man, I have no idea what you're on about... but I think you're kind of fun, and to prove it to you I'll give you my best milky smile'. What more can I mother want?
6. Oh well. time to get ready to leave. Meeting in São Paulo today. Oh joy.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Arte (?!) em panos de prato
The very first towel.
And another one.
And last but not least: the one with the butterfly. The folks here seem to like the one with the kids the best. I am still not sure, but I think I kind of like this one better myself. I like the colours I used and the way it looks simple and vivacious.
It felt good to be able to actually make something beautiful. I think I needed that more than I even knew.
I think I'll stop for now. I need a bite to eat. More later.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
TJ e eu trabalhamos numa cortina juntas. Nosso primeiro projeto do ano, a cortina cobre a bagunça de tupperwares do John dentro de um móvel inventado por ele para abrigar o nosso microondas monstrengo. Dei as medidas, a mãezinha executou a cortina prá mim. Domo arigatô, Obá!
Aí cortei uma batata doce e com ela fiz uns carimbos em forma de flores. TJ e eu sentamos à mesa da cozinha e carimbamos todo o pano. Daddy tomava café e assistia. E palpitava. Depois eu fiz os contornos.
Estamos muito orgulhosas da nossa arte. Já recebemos elogios e tudo! Que bom que é fazer arte, né?
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Mas já?!!
Yes, there are things I want to write about and reflect upon. But I can't see the fine line between faux and faux-pas ( and I don't think this last thought makes sense, even).
Fact is right now I'm really pissed with a really annoying person about a puppy. Everything right now is very 'really'. Really. See? So what should I do about this? Should I just tell the world exactly what I think about this person, in all the very colorful words that are going through my mind just now? Or should I just chew my cud quietly, and let bygones be bygones?
For now, I am temporarily unavailable. And by the way, puppy person, fuck off.